Annu ggupta jain

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Annu ggupta jain

Annu ggupta jain is a Certified Counsellor,  Nlp, sound healing Meditation Practitioner, softskill Trainer and Image Consultant with 8 years experience .

Her sessions use different modalities of therapy like CBT AND Sound Healing meditation sessions to overcome fears and limiting beliefs
She believes greatest hurdle is one’s  own mind.
We help clients recognize, question and revise persistent thought patterns .

Through Talk Therapy,  writing Therapy, sound healing Meditation and imagery Visualization techniques, we focus on holistic healing and achieving personal goals.

Specialized in treating stress, anxiety, Depression,  OCD, Phobias

Counsellor (Counsel India)
Neuro linguistic programming
Softskill training and image consultant (ICBI)
sound Healing meditation (Bangalore)
Indian academy of training &Development

Monday to Saturday – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM