Karkidaka Chikitsa / Monsoon Treatment

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Karkidaka Chikitsa

The rapid climatic changes from extreme heat to rain brings about lot of epidemics and deadly diseases. This is the time body needs detoxification and rejuvenating treatments to bring back vigour and energy. Ayurveda stresses the importance of Ritucharya or the diet  and lifestyle to be followed in particular seasons to be free from harmful effects of climatic changes.

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Why Pranaa?

At Pranaa, we are presenting you a holistic way of wellness, including all the subtle and potent aspects of the ancient learning passed on to us through a pure lineage of yogis and rishis. We are encapsulating the treatment plans customized to your individual needs, keeping in mind the requirement of the newer generation without compromising on the age-old treatment protocols. 

This is a collaboration of wisdom of experienced doctors who excelled in various sub-branches, Skin, behavioral enhancement programs, nutritional aspects in addition to pure Ayurveda.

About Karkidaka Chikitsa

Karkitakam starts from the month of July to August. Also known as the season of monsoon. Decades ago Karkitakamasam was marked by heavy rain , a time peopel prayed to god to prevent nature’s fury. Years back, Kerala was mainly an agricultural land, where most of people were farmers,so the showery dance of karkitakam was a boon for them. 

Also the month is known as ‘ Ramayanamasam’ dedicated to reading the Ramayana and following other religious rituals intended to build self confidence during difficult times and to keep away all discomforts and agonies. It is also marked as the season for a ritual dedicated to dead ancestors ,performed on amavasi day or new moon dayin karkitakam. People visits seashore and river banks to perform the bali ritual is meant to attain salvation for the departed soul.

During the period of karkitakam due to the sudden changes from extreme heat to rain ,vayu gets aggravated in your body and thereby pain gets increased leading to reduced strength. The whole year is broadly classified as Adana Kala (Period of extraction) and Visarga Kala(period of discharge). Karkitakam or Varsha ritu comes under the early phase of visarga kala. 

Hence during adana kala due to the predominance of sun ,there is drainage of strength and visarga kala due to dominance of moon , there is gaining of strength. As the climate is moist in the season all the pores in the human body is open and will be more receptive to the medicines. So this is chosen as the best period to undergo various cleansing and rejuvenating therapies as said in panchakarma treatment .

Apart from Panchakarma therapies  suitable diet should be followed in this season to maintain good health. Karkitaka kanji is a traditional medicine, a rice soup that boosts one’s immunity. It acts as a detoxifying agent and strengthen the immune system. This porridge is continuously taken for 7 days or 14 or 21 days for better results. It is made up of Njavara rice, fenugreek seeds, dried ginger, crushed pepper, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, carom seeds, garlic and coconut milk.

Benefits of Karkidaka Chikitsa

  • Boosts Immunity.
  • Brings about the harmony of doshas that activates your energy levels .
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Relaxes and rejuvenates the body.
  • Helps to overcome pain, digestive disturbances, frequent allergy and other immunity related ailments  , lethargy etc.

PIAHC offers purely individualized treatment plan for Monsoon treatment after detailed consultation ,considering every body is unique in its own special way and so the problems too..